Manufacturers and Exporters of raw natural rubber and rubber-based products are registered under the provisions of the Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amended) Act No. 20 of 2006. According to the cess regulations No. 01 of 2007 made to the above act, applications are called for the registration and renewal of registration annually from the following Manufacturers and Exporters.

  • Exporters of raw natural rubber and rubber-based products
  • Manufacturers of rubber and rubber-based products (Intermediate/ Finished)
  • Natural rubber product manufacturers (All manufacturers of crepe rubber and centrifuge latex)

Annually a paper advertisement is published regarding these registrations.

Manufacturers and Exporters who failed to get registered or renewed their registration from the year 2007 shall also apply for such registration or renewal. Registered manufacturers will get their application forms for renewal for the upcoming year by post and others can obtain their applications from the Head Office of the Rubber Development Department.

As a requirement for the registration, Exporters and Manufacturers shall forward a statement on the composition and actual percentage of rubber in the rubber and rubber-based products along with the application. The complete applications should accompany a registration fee or renewal fee of Rs. 1150/- and a Government Stamp fee of Rs. 115/- Manufacturers and Exporters who failed to get registered or renewed their registration for the lapsed years shall also forward the applications with arrears fee to the above address by hand or by post.

An individual/ Institution who does carry out rubber/rubber-based business without getting registered under the Rubber Development Department or renewing the registration shall undergo a penalty imposed by provision No. 4 (10a of the Principle Act) of Rubber Replanting Subsidy (Amended) Act No. 20 of 2006.

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